ACHERONTAS & NÅSTROND (grc/swe) "Chains of the Fallen" LP New arrivals


Acherontas and Nåstrond join forces and auras for the first time, as an omnipotent primal force, to give birth to an innovative Opus of Esoteric Art and Ceremonial vision. Five Odes to perceive and invoke, five chants to awake the Mysteria Endotata. The darkest pathways of Ancient Greek mysteries under the obscure Prism of Rune Sophia and the Orphic wisdom of Νέκυια and the Underworld, grant life to an aural Entity and Key to the innermost Flame
An Al-khemical Union is formed. The necromantical Ophiolatreia conjoined with Nordic Sorcery under the Auspice of Kundali vibrations, to mold the Serpentine Traditions and awaken the Sleeping Gods of Ancient Times. Acherontas and Nastrond coil and unfold into a newborn magma of Chthonian vibrations and Oneiric Joyrneys, delivering this new Opus entitled "Chthonic Libations"
An ode to the primordial Serpent and the Solar Entities to reign again over the tribes of Men, victorious and everlasting.
